Red zone PRograms

Train for Reality. Fight with Confidence.

Red Zone Prime

The Red Zone Prime program is the RZTM approach to empty hand combatives. The focus of the RZP program is to develop an effective and efficient game plan for dealing with interpersonal violence. This approach has been streamlined to deal with the realities of criminal and male ritual violence and dovetails seamlessly into the Red Zone Knife Defense Program and Pressure Trap Gun Defense Program. More than just a series of random techniques, Red Zone Prime focuses on an adaptable physical game plan to help navigate the muddy waters of a self defense scenario.

Red Zone Knife Defense

Our approach to edged weapons defense focuses much more on depth of knowledge than accumulation of techniques. All of the techniques employed are gross motor which helps to make them more easily accessible in the heat of a confrontation. In the Red Zone program escape is not an afterthought, it is the entire focus. This means that all of our techniques and training methods revolve around creating a window of escape at the earliest opportunity. The Red Zone Knife Defense program is currently being taught in law enforcement and military groups throughout the world.

Red Zone Adaptive Striking Program

The overriding focus of Red Zone’s Adaptive Striking Program is to develop a strong base of striking skills the work across platforms. While having it’s roots in combat sports striking arts the goal has been to make sure.

Ground Fighting Overview

This course explores the essential skill of ground fighting in real-world street scenarios. While MMA has emphasized grappling, it’s crucial to adapt these techniques for unpredictable situations. Factors such as terrain, multiple attackers, size differences, and weapons require adjustments to turn sport-based grappling into effective self-defense strategies.